Source code for symspellpy.editdistance

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2022 mmb L (Python port)
# Copyright (c) 2021 Wolf Garbe (Original C# implementation)
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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.. module:: editdistance
   :synopsis: Module for edit distance algorithms.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from typing import List

from editdistpy import damerau_osa, levenshtein

from symspellpy import helpers

[docs]class DistanceAlgorithm(Enum): """Supported edit distance algorithms.""" LEVENSHTEIN = 0 #: Levenshtein algorithm. DAMERAU_OSA = 1 #: Damerau optimal string alignment algorithm LEVENSHTEIN_FAST = 2 #: Fast Levenshtein algorithm. DAMERAU_OSA_FAST = 3 #: Fast Damerau optimal string alignment algorithm
[docs]class EditDistance: """Edit distance algorithms. Args: algorithm: The distance algorithm to use. Attributes: _algorithm (:class:`DistanceAlgorithm`): The edit distance algorithm to use. _distance_comparer (:class:`AbstractDistanceComparer`): An object to compute the relative distance between two strings. The concrete object will be chosen based on the value of :attr:`_algorithm`. Raises: ValueError: If `algorithm` specifies an invalid distance algorithm. """ def __init__(self, algorithm: DistanceAlgorithm) -> None: self._distance_comparer: AbstractDistanceComparer self._algorithm = algorithm if algorithm == DistanceAlgorithm.LEVENSHTEIN: self._distance_comparer = Levenshtein() elif algorithm == DistanceAlgorithm.DAMERAU_OSA: self._distance_comparer = DamerauOsa() elif algorithm == DistanceAlgorithm.LEVENSHTEIN_FAST: self._distance_comparer = LevenshteinFast() elif algorithm == DistanceAlgorithm.DAMERAU_OSA_FAST: self._distance_comparer = DamerauOsaFast() else: raise ValueError("unknown distance algorithm")
[docs] def compare(self, string_1: str, string_2: str, max_distance: int) -> int: """Compares a string to the base string to determine the edit distance, using the previously selected algorithm. Args: string_1: Base string. string_2: The string to compare. max_distance: The maximum distance allowed. Returns: The edit distance (or -1 if `max_distance` exceeded). """ return self._distance_comparer.distance(string_1, string_2, max_distance)
[docs]class AbstractDistanceComparer(ABC): """An interface to compute relative distance between two strings."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def distance(self, string_1: str, string_2: str, max_distance: int) -> int: """Returns a measure of the distance between two strings. Args: string_1: One of the strings to compare. string_2: The other string to compare. max_distance: The maximum distance that is of interest. Returns: -1 if the distance is greater than the max_distance, 0 if the strings are equivalent, otherwise a positive number whose magnitude increases as difference between the strings increases. """
[docs]class Levenshtein(AbstractDistanceComparer): """Provides Levenshtein algorithm for computing edit distance metric between two strings. Attributes: _base_char_1_costs (List[int]): """ def __init__(self): self._base_char_1_costs = []
[docs] def distance(self, string_1: str, string_2: str, max_distance: int) -> int: """Computes the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings. Args: string_1: One of the strings to compare. string_2: The other string to compare. max_distance: The maximum distance that is of interest. Returns: -1 if the distance is greater than the max_distance, 0 if the strings are equivalent, otherwise a positive number whose magnitude increases as difference between the strings increases. """ if string_1 is None or string_2 is None: return helpers.null_distance_results(string_1, string_2, max_distance) if max_distance <= 0: return 0 if string_1 == string_2 else -1 max_distance = int(min(2 ** 31 - 1, max_distance)) # if strings of different lengths, ensure shorter string is in string_1. # This can result in a little faster speed by spending more time spinning # just the inner loop during the main processing. if len(string_1) > len(string_2): string_2, string_1 = string_1, string_2 if len(string_2) - len(string_1) > max_distance: return -1 # identify common suffic and/or prefix that can be ignored len_1, len_2, start = helpers.prefix_suffix_prep(string_1, string_2) if len_1 == 0: return len_2 if len_2 <= max_distance else -1 if len_2 > len(self._base_char_1_costs): self._base_char_1_costs = [0 for _ in range(len_2)] if max_distance < len_2: return self._distance_max( string_1, string_2, len_1, len_2, start, max_distance, self._base_char_1_costs, ) return self._distance( string_1, string_2, len_1, len_2, start, self._base_char_1_costs )
@staticmethod def _distance( string_1: str, string_2: str, len_1: int, len_2: int, start: int, char_1_costs: List[int], ) -> int: """Internal implementation of the core Levenshtein algorithm. **From**: """ char_1_costs = [j + 1 for j in range(len_2)] current_cost = 0 for i in range(len_1): left_char_cost = above_char_cost = i char_1 = string_1[start + i] for j in range(len_2): # cost of diagonal (substitution) current_cost = left_char_cost left_char_cost = char_1_costs[j] if string_2[start + j] != char_1: # substitution if neither of the two conditions below if above_char_cost < current_cost: current_cost = above_char_cost if left_char_cost < current_cost: current_cost = left_char_cost current_cost += 1 char_1_costs[j] = above_char_cost = current_cost return current_cost @staticmethod def _distance_max( string_1: str, string_2: str, len_1: int, len_2: int, start: int, max_distance: int, char_1_costs: List[int], ) -> int: """Internal implementation of the core Levenshtein algorithm that accepts a max_distance. **From**: """ char_1_costs = [ j + 1 if j < max_distance else max_distance + 1 for j in range(len_2) ] len_diff = len_2 - len_1 j_start_offset = max_distance - len_diff j_start = 0 j_end = max_distance current_cost = 0 for i in range(len_1): char_1 = string_1[start + i] prev_char_1_cost = above_char_cost = i # no need to look beyond window of lower right diagonal - # max_distance cells (lower right diag is i - lenDiff) and the upper # left diagonal + max_distance cells (upper left is i) j_start += 1 if i > j_start_offset else 0 j_end += 1 if j_end < len_2 else 0 for j in range(j_start, j_end): # cost of diagonal (substitution) current_cost = prev_char_1_cost prev_char_1_cost = char_1_costs[j] if string_2[start + j] != char_1: # substitution if neither of the two conditions below if above_char_cost < current_cost: current_cost = above_char_cost if prev_char_1_cost < current_cost: current_cost = prev_char_1_cost current_cost += 1 char_1_costs[j] = above_char_cost = current_cost if char_1_costs[i + len_diff] > max_distance: return -1 return current_cost if current_cost <= max_distance else -1
[docs]class DamerauOsa(AbstractDistanceComparer): """Provides optimized methods for computing Damerau-Levenshtein Optimal String Alignment (OSA) comparisons between two strings. Attributes: _base_char_1_costs (List[int]): _base_prev_char_1_costs (List[int]): """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._base_char_1_costs: List[int] = [] self._base_prev_char_1_costs: List[int] = []
[docs] def distance(self, string_1: str, string_2: str, max_distance: int) -> int: """Computes the Damerau-Levenshtein optimal string alignment edit distance between two strings. Args: string_1: One of the strings to compare. string_2: The other string to compare. max_distance: The maximum distance that is of interest. Returns: -1 if the distance is greater than the max_distance, 0 if the strings are equivalent, otherwise a positive number whose magnitude increases as difference between the strings increases. """ if string_1 is None or string_2 is None: return helpers.null_distance_results(string_1, string_2, max_distance) if max_distance <= 0: return 0 if string_1 == string_2 else -1 max_distance = int(min(2 ** 31 - 1, max_distance)) # if strings of different lengths, ensure shorter string is in string_1. # This can result in a little faster speed by spending more time spinning # just the inner loop during the main processing. if len(string_1) > len(string_2): string_2, string_1 = string_1, string_2 if len(string_2) - len(string_1) > max_distance: return -1 # identify common suffix and/or prefix that can be ignored len_1, len_2, start = helpers.prefix_suffix_prep(string_1, string_2) if len_1 == 0: return len_2 if len_2 <= max_distance else -1 if len_2 > len(self._base_char_1_costs): self._base_char_1_costs = [0 for _ in range(len_2)] self._base_prev_char_1_costs = [0 for _ in range(len_2)] if max_distance < len_2: return self._distance_max( string_1, string_2, len_1, len_2, start, max_distance, self._base_char_1_costs, self._base_prev_char_1_costs, ) return self._distance( string_1, string_2, len_1, len_2, start, self._base_char_1_costs, self._base_prev_char_1_costs, )
@staticmethod def _distance( string_1: str, string_2: str, len_1: int, len_2: int, start: int, char_1_costs: List[int], prev_char_1_costs: List[int], ) -> int: """Internal implementation of the core Damerau-Levenshtein, optimal string alignment algorithm. **From**: """ char_1_costs = [j + 1 for j in range(len_2)] char_1 = " " current_cost = 0 for i in range(len_1): prev_char_1 = char_1 char_1 = string_1[start + i] char_2 = " " left_char_cost = above_char_cost = i next_trans_cost = 0 for j in range(len_2): this_trans_cost = next_trans_cost next_trans_cost = prev_char_1_costs[j] # cost of diagonal (substitution) prev_char_1_costs[j] = current_cost = left_char_cost # left now equals current cost (which will be diagonal # at next iteration) left_char_cost = char_1_costs[j] prev_char_2 = char_2 char_2 = string_2[start + j] if char_1 != char_2: # substitution if neither of two conditions below if above_char_cost < current_cost: current_cost = above_char_cost if left_char_cost < current_cost: current_cost = left_char_cost current_cost += 1 if ( i != 0 and j != 0 and char_1 == prev_char_2 and prev_char_1 == char_2 and this_trans_cost + 1 < current_cost ): # transposition current_cost = this_trans_cost + 1 char_1_costs[j] = above_char_cost = current_cost return current_cost @staticmethod def _distance_max( string_1: str, string_2: str, len_1: int, len_2: int, start: int, max_distance: int, char_1_costs: List[int], prev_char_1_costs: List[int], ) -> int: """Internal implementation of the core Damerau-Levenshtein, optimal string alignment algorithm that accepts a max_distance. **From**: """ char_1_costs = [ j + 1 if j < max_distance else max_distance + 1 for j in range(len_2) ] len_diff = len_2 - len_1 j_start_offset = max_distance - len_diff j_start = 0 j_end = max_distance char_1 = " " current_cost = 0 for i in range(len_1): prev_char_1 = char_1 char_1 = string_1[start + i] char_2 = " " left_char_cost = above_char_cost = i next_trans_cost = 0 # no need to look beyond window of lower right diagonal - # max_distance cells (lower right diag is i - len_diff) and the upper # left diagonal + max_distance cells (upper left is i) j_start += 1 if i > j_start_offset else 0 j_end += 1 if j_end < len_2 else 0 for j in range(j_start, j_end): this_trans_cost = next_trans_cost next_trans_cost = prev_char_1_costs[j] # cost of diagonal (substitution) prev_char_1_costs[j] = current_cost = left_char_cost # left now equals current cost (which will be diagonal at next # iteration) left_char_cost = char_1_costs[j] prev_char_2 = char_2 char_2 = string_2[start + j] if char_1 != char_2: # substitution if neither of two conditions below if above_char_cost < current_cost: current_cost = above_char_cost if left_char_cost < current_cost: current_cost = left_char_cost current_cost += 1 if ( i != 0 and j != 0 and char_1 == prev_char_2 and prev_char_1 == char_2 and this_trans_cost + 1 < current_cost ): # transposition current_cost = this_trans_cost + 1 char_1_costs[j] = above_char_cost = current_cost if char_1_costs[i + len_diff] > max_distance: return -1 return current_cost if current_cost <= max_distance else -1
[docs]class LevenshteinFast(AbstractDistanceComparer): """Provides an interface for computing edit distance metric between two strings using the fast Levenshtein algorithm. """
[docs] def distance(self, string_1: str, string_2: str, max_distance: int) -> int: """Computes the Levenshtein edit distance between two strings. Args: string_1: One of the strings to compare. string_2: The other string to compare. max_distance: The maximum distance that is of interest. Returns: -1 if the distance is greater than the max_distance, 0 if the strings are equivalent, otherwise a positive number whose magnitude increases as difference between the strings increases. """ return levenshtein.distance(string_1, string_2, max_distance)
[docs]class DamerauOsaFast(AbstractDistanceComparer): """Provides an interface for computing edit distance metric between two strings using the fast Damerau-Levenshtein Optimal String Alignment (OSA) algorithm. """
[docs] def distance(self, string_1: str, string_2: str, max_distance: int) -> int: """Computes the Damerau-Levenshtein optimal string alignment edit distance between two strings. Args: string_1: One of the strings to compare. string_2: The other string to compare. max_distance: The maximum distance that is of interest. Returns: -1 if the distance is greater than the max_distance, 0 if the strings are equivalent, otherwise a positive number whose magnitude increases as difference between the strings increases. """ return damerau_osa.distance(string_1, string_2, max_distance)